C Programming

Linear Searching Algorithoms and Data Structure

Data Structure and Algorithms  Linear Searching Linear search is a very simple search algorithm. In this type of  search, a sequential search is made over all items one by one. Every item is checked and if a match is…

C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character

C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character  In C programming, a character variable holds ASCII value (an integer number between 0 an 127) rather than character itself. You will learn how to find ASCII value of a characte…

Square-free Number in C

Square-free number A  square-free  number is a  natural number  that contains no powers greater than 1 in its  prime factorization . In other words, if  x  is our number, and  is the prime factorization of  x   into   r   d…

C program find the Good Number

How to Find Good Number in C program.? What is Good Number? A number is called a square free number if there does not  exist a number greater than 1, whose square divides the  number evenly/perfectly. For example, …

How to Find the Good Number in C Program part 2!

Find The Good Number : Code : #include #include int isSquareFree(int n) {     int i;     for(i=2; i<=n; i++)         if(n%i==0)             if(n%(i*i)==0)                 return 0;     …

C program to Find the Largest Number Among Three Numbers

Find the Largest Number Among Three Numbers :   This is a C program to calculate the  largest number of three numbers; Flow Chart For Finding Largest Number : Program (Source Code): This program uses only if …

Introduction to C Programming !

Just Remember All this . Its helps in C program .Basic of C programming .# Every C program requires  a main ()  function (Use of more than one main () is illegal ). The place main is where the program execution begins. The …

Learn C if ..else ! Nested if ..else Statement

C if else Statement ! The if else statement is an extension of the simple If Statement .The general form is if the test expression is true ,then the true -block statement (s), immediately following the if statements are ex…

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